
Navigating the Return: Overcoming Communication Challenges When Employees Come Back from Holiday

It’s that time of year again. With the long school summer holidays, many employees take time off to go on holiday.


Posted by: Stuart Margetts

Construction Worker on Vacation

Returning to work after a holiday can be both refreshing and challenging. But, while time away allows employees to recharge and relax, it can also lead to feelings of disconnection and being out of the loop.

Here are some common difficulties employees may face when they come back from a holiday and feel they aren't up to date:

1. Information Overload

Employees returning from a holiday may find themselves inundated with a backlog of emails, messages, and updates. Sorting through this information can be overwhelming, causing stress and hampering their ability to quickly catch up.

2. Missed Developments

During their absence, important developments, decisions, and changes may have taken place within the organisation. Employees returning from a holiday may feel out of touch with these updates, making it challenging to seamlessly reintegrate into their roles.

3. Unclear Priorities

A lack of awareness about current priorities and ongoing projects can leave employees unsure about where to focus their efforts. This uncertainty can lead to inefficiencies and difficulty in aligning their work with team goals.

4. Communication Gaps

When employees are away, communication gaps can emerge, leading to misunderstandings or missed opportunities. Returning employees might struggle to piece together the context of conversations and decisions that occurred in their absence.

5. Lagging Productivity

The process of catching up on missed work can eat into productive time. This lag in productivity can lead to frustration and a sense of falling behind in meeting deadlines or achieving goals.

6. Isolation and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

Employees returning from a holiday may feel socially isolated if they missed out on team interactions, events, or discussions. This sense of exclusion can impact morale and hinder their sense of belonging.

7. Transition Stress

The abrupt shift from a relaxed holiday mindset to the demands of work can cause transition stress. Employees may need time to readjust and regain their work rhythm, leading to reduced performance initially.

8.    Lack of Direction

Without proper guidance or access to up-to-date information, employees might feel directionless, unsure of where to start or how to contribute effectively.

9. Missed Learning Opportunities

Work-related learning and skill development opportunities that occurred in their absence can be missed, potentially hindering their professional growth.

10.    Pressure to Catch Up

The pressure to quickly catch up and demonstrate productivity after a holiday can create stress and anxiety, affecting employees' overall well-being.

By acknowledging the difficulties employees may face when returning from a holiday and proactively addressing these challenges, organisations can create a more supportive and inclusive work environment that helps employees transition back to work with greater ease and confidence.

To address these difficulties and support employees in transitioning back to work smoothly, organisations can take several steps, one of which is utilising a robust communications platform.

Using a communications platform to help get your employees up to date when they come back from a holiday can significantly enhance their reintegration into the workplace and ensure a smooth transition. Here's how you can leverage such a platform for this purpose:

1. Welcome Back Message

Send a warm welcome back message to the employee on their first day back. This message can be posted on a company-wide communication channel or sent directly via the platform's messaging feature. Express your excitement about their return and highlight that you're looking forward to their contributions.

2. Recap of Key Updates

Use the platform to provide a recap of important updates, projects, or events that occurred during the employee's absence. This could include sharing relevant documents, presentations, or links to resources that capture the key developments.

3. Team Updates

Encourage the employee's team members to post updates on ongoing projects, team achievements, and any challenges that arose during their absence. This helps the returning employee quickly catch up on the team's progress and current priorities.

4. Catch-Up Meetings

Schedule a one-on-one catch-up meeting between the returning employee and their supervisor or team lead. The platform can be used to arrange the meeting, share agendas, and discuss any critical matters that need immediate attention.

5. Document Sharing

Utilise the platform's document-sharing capabilities to provide the employee with access to relevant reports, presentations, or meeting minutes that were generated while they were away.

6. Event Highlights

If any company-wide events, workshops, or training sessions took place during the employee's absence, use the platform to share highlights, key takeaways, and available resources.

7. Q&A and Discussion

Create a dedicated discussion thread or forum where the returning employee can ask questions about anything they missed or need clarification on. This encourages open communication and ensures they feel supported.

8. Personal Messages

Encourage colleagues to send personal messages or brief updates to the returning employee to share their experiences or thoughts during their absence. This helps the employee feel connected and valued.

9. Feedback Gathering

Use the platform to gather feedback from the employee about their holiday experience and whether they have any suggestions for improving the transition process for others who go on leave.

10. Resource Repository

Create a centralised repository on the platform where employees can access key resources, templates, and guidelines that can help them quickly catch up after a holiday.

Remember, the effectiveness of using a communications platform for this purpose depends on how well it is adopted and integrated into your organisation's workflow. Regularly assess its usage and gather feedback from employees to ensure that the platform is meeting their needs and facilitating seamless communication and collaboration.